Tim Cartner
Forester; Real Estate Agent
Tim has spent over two decades managing and selling timber in the Piedmont and Foothills of North and South Carolina. Following graduation from NCSU, Tim worked as a timber buyer learning the ins and outs of valuation, harvesting, and marketing. Seeing a need in the market for quality landowner representation services, Tim started his own forestry consulting business, Timberland Advisors. Learn more about Tim’s woodland management services here.
Education: B.S. in Forest Management from North Carolina State University (1994)
North Carolina Registered Forester #1114
South Carolina Registered Forester #1488
North Carolina Real Estate Broker #209791
South Carolina Real Estate Agent #42619
Professional Affiliations:
Member, Society of American Foresters
Personal: Tim lives in Rock Hill, South Carolina with his wife and daughter. When he is not managing clients’ woodland, you will find him hiking, trail running, reading, or woodworking.
Phone: (704) 996-0380